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18 Oct

EasyWalker QTRO review

Look at this QTRO. It’s magnificent. It’s the color of the sea.

From the back, you might think it is it’s older sister, the Sky (reviewed previously on ). It has the same nice pockets on the back of the canopy, big basket, and 12″ rear air tires with suspension. But this is where the changes begin. Starting with the two zippers on the sides of the basket, for much better access.

Now check it out from the front. It’s got this great sun visor, and pivoting napper bar,

Really long leg rest, that adjusts to several positions,

And, TA DA! Two small front air tires, instead of one large one. I measure them as 8.5 inches.

That means it has a shorter wheel base. And it looks so stinkin’ cute!

For average outdoor use, the smaller tires are fine. Because they are air, they are still quite rugged. And all four wheels have suspension.

The QTRO performed really well on the SQ Obstacle Course. Glided over bumps and cracks and grass and gravel, with two-fingered steering.

The seat is still very roomy, like the Sky. Although it tapers down, so it is narrower at the bottom. There is also an extra harness position on the QTRO. And the handle adjusts from low to average to high.

Really, I think the napper bar and legrest are the favorite features of SP 2.0. It is rare to find a stroller like this with a legrest that can adjust to several different positions. It must be comfortable for him, because every time he rides in it, he falls asleep.

The recline is done by zippers. And what is nice is that you can really adjust it to several levels. From bolt upright, to partial, to flat recline. The QTRO still comes in all the fabulous colors of the SKY, and has loads of brilliant accessories you can purchase separately. Pretty much anything for strollers you can think of, actually.

EasyWalker QTRO

Weight:28 pds.

Width: 24″

Length: 33″

Height: 31″ to 41″

Seat Width: 14″

Seat Depth: 9″-19″”

Seat Back: 19″

Seat to Canopy: 27″

Drop to Footrest: 10″

Seat to Floor: 20″

Folded: 35″ x 25″ x 17″ (w/out wheels)

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